How To Take Care Of Your Neck (just as well as you do your face)


Hello laser & skincare lovers! We are back at it with another skincare post on the blog today.

We have talked a ton about all of the things to do for your skin, but have never addressed your neck in particular. This doesn’t seem like an issue for our younger clients, as signs of premature aging typically have not started happening yet, but for our more mature clients, they are typically asking us how they can reverse all of the damage that they have had on this area.

For both sets of people and all in between, the harsh reality is that it is much harder to reverse any damage than it is to prevent. This means for you youngsters your 20’s and 30’s, to be taking care of this NOW so that you do not have to do as much to reverse in the future.

Aging is inevitable, and that being said, there are a ton of things that one can do to age gracefully! Here are a few tips:

Tip #1: Apply what you do to your face, to your neck!

This means the serums, moisturizers, and most importantly, the sunscreen! If this seems like a little too much for you to apply everything to the neck, start with just your sunscreen. Sun damage is the #1 reason for premature aging, so keep yourself protected!

Tip #2: Add microchanneling to your neck!

For those of you that are not familiar with our microchanneling service that we offer, it is seriously the gold standard for fine lines and wrinkles. We use tiny micro-needles to penetrate the skin which stimulates a wound-healing response, generating your OWN collagen and elastin in the skin. While most people get this treatment done on their face, you can also add your neck. This will help with fine lines and assist in breaking up any pigment on the neck like age/sun spots.

Thank you as always for reading, and we will see you next week for the next post!

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