Does Spot Treating Work For Acne?

Welcome back Laser Loft readers! In this post, we are going to be talking ALL about spot treatments and what they are useful and useless for. Let’s get into it!

These are not necessarily products that we recommend, just an example of what spot treatments can sometimes look like*

These are not necessarily products that we recommend, just an example of what spot treatments can sometimes look like*

Just to make sure that we are all on the same page here, a spot treatment is a specific acne-fighting product that is designed to just use on your current breakouts, not all over the face. For example, these products will often have higher percentages of benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid (2 extremely common acne-fighting ingredients). Let’s say that you purchase an acne cream, intended to be put all over the skin, may have 2% benzoyl peroxide in it. These products that are supposed to be used only for current breakouts may have something like 10% in it. However, as a side note, don’t get too caught up on the percentages of these ingredients. In some cases, they matter. But keep in mind that every product is designed differently and some of these products may have more fillers in it than the next, which can dilute the concentration of the percentage.

ANYWHO, back to spot treatments. What spot treatments are good for is this; speeding up the process of clearing up any of those active blemishes. The downside of spot treating, is that it is not preventing any further breakouts from surfacing. Over time, your skin typically will not get better, you will just have products that clear up those breakouts even quicker. Now.. wouldn’t it be nice to actually put something on your skin that was going to help clear it and keep it clear? We agree, that sounds nice.

Our recommendation: Use your spot treatment in moderation, and only for the pesky breakouts in combination with your all-over acne fighting cream! Using these 2 together will keep working towards getting your skin cleared up, while giving the process a little speed boost every once in awhile. Keep in mind that if your skin is not used to this much intensity, that you may experience some temporary dryness and/or redness.

Thank you guys for reading!

Written with all of the love,


Skincare Specialist at Laser Loft

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